Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Summer Pic

Sisters Wedding

Friday, October 24, 2008

Senior Quote

You will find yourself when you lose yourself.
Beth Moore

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

I believe that American Pie is Secular Humanism.

Worldview Analysis
1.God in the Universe
The power of music
It was created
2.Look for Humanity and Identity
Looking for something that is no longer there
We let the things control us because they want the music but they cant get it
3.Conflict and Suffering
To give us hope
There is no more music
There is no music and they are sad and obsessed with material things
4.Hope and Redemption
There is no answer; all hope is gone because the music is gone
We don't
They view music as most important and without it they cant survive
They prize the music
They fear it will be gone forever
They want the music but the reality is that they cannot find it. (the music is believed to be real)
No absolute truth; maybe this is reliable

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wizard of Oz and Fight Club

The comparison between the Wizard of Oz and Fight Club is somewhat similar. In the Wizard of Oz the people believe that reality is how the see it, also that there is a supernatural something or everthing is God. Their reality is what what they have experienced. Few have seen the wizard but they believe in him even though it is a man behind a curtain. This is similar to Fight Club because in his mind he thinks that there is another guy but in reality it is him doing all the stuff. These two are in the imagination and the real reality is only what has been made up. They treat reality as they made it to be.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Demon Mammon

In Paradise Lost Mammon is a demon who has to look down at heavens golden pavement, forever, instead looking up towards God. Later, after the rebellion, he is forced to Hell and where he finds percious metal, of which he builds Pandemonium. Mammon was origanlly a term that meant money or riches. He is also mentioned in the Bible in Matthew 6:24,No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Worldview of the Wizard of Oz

The worldview of The Wizard of Oz is Cosmic Humanism. Cosmic Humanists believe that God was of the imagination of the cosmos. This compares to the story because what they believed to be God or the head person was not actually a supernatural thing or ruler. It was finally revealed to the characters that it was really just a person being a curtain, who had no true power. Each character represents something different whether it is from the worldview of from the era that it was created in.